Fan Fiction and Fans

Fan Fiction and Fans

We are still looking for Fan Fiction stories using characters created by our favorite writer, Dorothy Gilman. We have gotten a couple of emails from fans who cannot subscribe to the blog or are having problems with the subscription service. You can submit your Fan Fiction stories using our CONTACT US form and uploading your text, Microsoft Word Document or Acrobat Reader PDF file directly from your computer. Don’t forget to put “Fan Fiction” in the subject box and give a brief description of what the fan fiction is about in the Message box. The file must be less than 1MB in size or else it will overload our servers.

Housekeeping Note: We have been getting more “Spoof” email with someone(s) using our email domain but other names on the email. We do have a “Catchall” feature on our email and most of those will go into Spam folders. But this is to inform you, Dorothy Gilman Fans, and any other agency within the WORLD that we have not solicited any credit cards, bank transactions, bought anything nor will we buy anything, pay for anything or accept any kind of transactions from anyone for any reason. We have only 1 legitimate email address and that has the blog author’s name on it and is password protected and changed every 60 days. All those emails will be going into the spam folder except for legitimate emails from legitimate fans using the CONTACT FORM.

We do not have control over the WordPress Subscriber Log-On System. We can change your password if you email us your user ID. But we only check our emails about once a week now so for faster service please use the WordPress “Forgot Password” function.

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