“Sorrow Rides a Fast Horse” is a short story written by Dorothy Gilman Butters and published in the Ladies Home Journal in the September 1962 issue.
This short story centers around quiet young women with two sons that lived in a small farming community called Green Valley. She loses her husband and receives a check from his attorney for money he had saved for a trip around the world. The woman is distraught about the money because it could have made their lives easier while her spouse was still alive. In her sorrow, she decides to take a trip around the world with her two children. Traveling for almost a year in an almost zombie-like state, not noticing her sons or caring about much of anything until she decides to travel across the mountains to see the Taj Mahal. There they are captured by local bandits and changes her course forever.
The magazine is not available anymore except in second-hand stores or online at Past Paper and on Ebay.
We are in the process of creating an anthology of all of Dorothy Gilman Butters short stories.