Fall is finally coming to the state of Florida. It may be just a drop in the overnight temperatures to the 60s but still that is a hint that cooler days are coming soon. Just stepping outside this afternoon there was a very nice breeze and bright sunshine with not a lot of heat. Of course, as soon as the breeze stopped the temp rose some and the dang gnats tried to swarm around my head. But I digress!
Kim Hemphill is still looking for a response to her inquiry about the character, Sate Timball in “A New Kind of Country”, and I started to re-read it to see if it might spark some hint of knowledge, found the passage in the book and got called away to another project. I will have to go back and try again when I get a chance. But if you know the answer to her questions, please leave it in the comments below. Here is the question again.
Subject: Sate Timball short story
Hi! Just read and enjoyed “A New Kind of Country” in which (on page 87) Dorothy Gilman mentions a short story she wrote in the 1950s about a dying woman named Sate Timball. Can anyone tell me the title of this story, or better yet, where I can find it online? Thank you very much!–Kimberly Hemphill.
Marci Hanners has written a very nice, comprehensive synopsis and review for Heart’s Design aka Masquerade. Thank you so much Marci and looking forward to the other two when you get a chance. Check out the book pages
to read it.
I have created an online survey to see if we can garner enough interest in getting the remaining published stories by Dorothy Gilman converted over into eBook format. This is a great format for those of use who have eReaders. It also allows for the possibility of the stories being converted over into other language a little bit easier. Anyway, we will run this survey over the next several months. The more responses we get the better. The information is being kept in a secure Excel file so that we will be able to share the results easier with her agent and her relatives to possibly get this done sometime next year. When the survey is declared complete I will put everyone’s names in a hat who provided me with a mailing address to receive my copy of the last book published that Dorothy Gilman autographed and sent to me. I prize that book very much but I also believe that she deserves to be remember and all of her works kept current as much as possible. You can only do the survey once. I’m not sure how the survey software determines that but there ya go. Please share will all of fans of Dorothy Gilman you know and let’s get this done!