I am in the process of re-reading all of Dorothy Gilman’s books again this year. I usually try to read all of them at least once a year or so but with my mom and I traveling in our old RV we couldn’t bring our book collection with us. So, as we get volunteer assignments in our Florida State Parks we visit the local libraries who, graciously, allow us to get a library card and check out books and movies since we are volunteering in the area for at least 3 to 4 months. And right now our assignments are lined up in the area over the next 8 months. Anyway, today I re-read the Tightrope Walker. A book published in 1979 by Dorothy Gilman. It is still considered a “cozy” mystery story and a stand-alone book or not in a series. Although, that might not be strictly true. More on that later.
It’s nice to re-read old stories you have enjoyed in the past. Not only are you refreshing your memory about the story you just might learn something new you missed the first time around. In the story, the main character is Amelia Jones, a young woman who has experienced more trauma and despair in her life than most of us do, yet she is still plugging along. It is also set in the fictional town of Trafton, Pennsylvania where a number of Ms. Gilman’s books are set. She is learning new things about herself and slowly letting new people in her life. After receiving a lot of therapy and a small inheritance from her father she even goes as far as buying an old second-hand shop. There are lots of interesting things in the shop but she comes across an old hand-organ that she admires and decides to polish and clean it up after herself. While listening to it play one evening it stops playing abruptly. She opens the side up to find a wad of old, yellowed paper stuck in the gears. Once it begins playing again she flattens it to find a note. This note sets her on a journey of discovery, not only for the person who wrote it she will meet her first love who helps her, old friends of the person who wrote the note and finally, the person(s) who killed the person who wrote it.
It is an intriguing story and well worth your time to read it, if not for the first time, at least again. Strangely enough throughout the book is mentioned another book that has influenced young Amelia since the tragic death of her mother called, The Maze in the Heart of the Castle, the only book written and published by H.M. Gruble, who turns out to be the murder victim. The story-line weaves the tale of how the fictional Maze in the Heart of the Castle has affected Amelia’s life and helped her throughout her growing years. Oddly, enough Dorothy Gilman published a book by this title in 1983 with the characters mentioned, about 4 years after Tightrope Walker was published. Now, did Tightrope Walker inspire her to write the Maze book or were they both written at about the same time but published years apart? And if so, what of the sequel to the Maze called, “In the Land of the Golden Warriors”? We fans would surely like to read that one as well. Too bad it wasn’t written and published.
Until next time. We will be re-reading, Caravan.
Thanks so much to Jonathan and Christopher who are helping keep this website going.