Favorite Characters

Favorite Characters

Since I didn’t get any response the posting about what countries you would like to see a Mrs. Pollifax book set in I thought I would try this one. We all have envisioned new stories with our favorite characters. We have created scenarios where our heroine is in trouble in some new location facing some new kind of “bad person”. Which of your favorite characters from all of Dorothy Gilman’s books would you like to see in a story together? Granted, some of her stories are set in the past and some has more of a 70’s and 80’s feel to them but if you could have any of her characters together in a book which two or three would you like to read about? We are talking fiction here folks so ANYTHING is possible.

My personal favorites would have to be Sister John, Mrs. Pollifax and Madame Karitska involved in a mystery. Of all of Dorothy Gilman’s characters, I think these will mess the best together. Sister John would be opened to the paranormal and we know that Mrs. Pollifax has experienced it as well. So Madame Karistka having a flash about Sister John being in trouble and Mrs. Pollifax being the only one to help her would be intriguing. Or, even Mrs. Pollifax in trouble somewhere and Sister John being the only one to help her with the guidance of Madame Karistka. You can even expand the story to include one of the “side-kicks” of each of the storylines. Sister Hyacinthe with Sister John, Gaven O’Connell with Madame Karitska and Bishop being dragged along with Mrs. Pollifax. Use your imagination and tell your fellow fans what you think would make a great story!

If you haven’t had a chance to visit the Dorothy Gilman bookstore or you are looking for a copy of one or more of her books just click on the widget below and happy shopping…..

2 thoughts on “0

  1. I would LOVE for Mrs. Pollifax to meet Fran Tate in Barrow, Alaska. Fran Tate has quite a history – just google her.

  2. It would be a fun book if Mrs. Pollifax and Madam Karitzka could work together in a book. And, possibly Sister John like the comment I just read.

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