Hello everyone! We hope the past year has been a good one for all the loyal fans of Dorothy Gilman Butters. Although she has been gone from us her stories live on and continue to enrich our lives.
Happenings in 2025
Over the coming months we are working on building a community of readers who would like to continue reading our favorite authors stories, discover stories that have not been published yet and perhaps encourage other authors to continue with her legacy and in her style of writing. Fan Fiction, fan art, etc. is always appreciated. Sign-up for the NEWSLETTER so that we can build a community of old admirers and a whole new generation of readers for her works of fictions.
Yes, we are still working on getting those young adult stories re-published but it is a slow process. So, again, newsletter subscribers will be “In the Know” a lot sooner as we are focusing on building that network in the coming months. You will be required to verify your email and that you want to be on the subscribers list. All spammers will be deleted.
Teaser for the Dorothy Gilman Fans
To Whet you appetite for the upcoming items being published in the NEWSLETTER ONLY – we are gather hundreds of different newspaper clippings, translating them into a PDF document and eventually we hope to have the combined into a fun and fascinating biography in 2026. Click the Link Below:
Fun Limericks for Mrs. Pollifax on Safari
So raise a glass high, to Gilman’s acclaim,
For Mrs. Pollifax, of literary fame.
Her stories ignite,
A reading delight,
Forever enshrined in our hearts, a grand game.
Check out Jolene’s (The blog webmistress and writer), Online Bookstore: https://bookstore.jolenesbooksandmore.com
Looking for Submissions
If you or someone you know is creating fan fiction or art using any of the many great characters that Dorothy Gilman has created please get in touch. We would love to be able to feature the artist in one of our newsletters. Email JOLENE with all the details.