News and Updates for Fans and Future Fans

News and Updates for Fans and Future Fans

News and Updates for Fans and Future Fans

There are so many changes about the happen on this site. We hope you, your friends and your family all around the world will sign-up for our newly created Newsletter to keep up with the changes, get discounts on some publications that are going to be happening every month over the next 12 to 16 months. We are still gathering responses to our surveys, so PLEASE TAKE THE SURVEY and fill it out completely. We will be having some contests and give-aways over the next several months.

Republishing ALL of the Children’s Books

Sample Book Covers for Enchanted Caravan

YES! All of the children’s books will be republished over the next 16 months. I am working with the family members to revamp the covers of each of the books and republish them in eBook and paperback format. They will be available in “Print-On-Demand” only but will be published WORLD-WIDE. I have been campaigning for this for quite a number of years. Sadly, the major publishing companies did not want to participate. Well, guess what? I am going to do it. So make sure you sign-up for the newsletter and get notifications on when each are published and even receive some discount coupons. Finally, we will also be giving away FREE paperback copies at certain times throughout the coming months. But more on that later.

Happy Holidays to all the Dorothy Gilman Fans

Movie Update

You can now watch the entire movie from 1971 starring Rosalind Russell on YouTube for Free. Of course, Paramount Plus is supposed to have this movie as well but you must be a member in order to watch. I haven’t found a sharp looking copy of the Angela Lansbury version from 1999. Still working on it and will let you know as soon as i find one. The fuzzy copy is still available on YouTube and you can watch it from the MOVIES page.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions let us know on our CONTACT US page. We would love to share some Fan Fiction and/or Fan Art – Check out that page too.

Survey Questions and Answers Previous post Update on eBooks for Earlier Published Books
A Hickup But Not A Major One Next post A Hickup But Not A Major One

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Hello to all my fellow Dorothy Gilman Butter Fans. Sign-up for the newsletter to keep up with the latest news and even some specials that will be coming along very soon!