The Open Library has quite a few of the Dorothy Gilman books available in eBook format. You can join the website for FREE. Some can be borrowed for 14 days and are either in PDF or ePub format so that you can read them on your computer. I must warn you that the PDF version is a scanned copy of the actual book and is a little slow to turn the pages. You must have or download Adobe Digital Editions to access books from this site. It is also a FREE program. It doesn’t have a mobile version or app of the program so you can’t read it on your phone.
Some of the books have a padlock and the word “Daisy” next to them. That means you have to have special code to unlock them from the Library of Congress. These are generally audiobook formats for those with reading disabilities.
“There are two types of DAISYs on Open Library: open and protected. Open DAISYs can be read by anyone in the world on many different devices. Protected DAISYs (like this one) can only be opened using a key issued by the Library of Congress NLS program.”
I am currently reading the Enchanted Caravan. I haven’t been able to find a good copy of this book at a price I can afford so I am very happy that this service is available. Check it out!