Mrs Pollifax versus Madame Karitska

Mrs Pollifax versus Madame Karitska

Our favorite author may not be here to write any new adventures but we as her fans can continue those adventures through fan-fiction episodes. We would like to start the ball rolling with an adventure with both Mrs. Pollifax and Madame Karitska working together on an adventure. Where would they meet? What will they be working towards? Who else will be joining in the adventure? How would they solve the problem they are facing? Well, I can’t think of any more questions right now. But you get the drift.

You can send your ideas in a document saved in either a Microsoft Word doc, Notepad txt or Acrobat Reader pdf file format using our new Contact Form. These files will go directly to our email and once we have read through them they will be posted to a Fan Fiction Page that we are in the process of creating. No idea is too far-fetched. Just remember who the characters are, what their traits are and re-read a few of the books to get you in the frame of mind to create a plausible story-line with these two characters. You can include other characters from their worlds as well. It really would not be a good story without them. We will be including our story below but yours does not have to follow in the same venue. Your story can lead us into a totally different area. Let your imagination go wild.


Mrs. Pollifax finds herself wandering aimlessly down one of the streets in Trenton when she spots a sign saying, “Madame Karitska – Readings”. She is not sure why but she decides to see if the Madame is available. For she is in need of guidance before she embarks on her next mission for Carstairs. Mrs. Pollifax has had an experience with a clairvoyant gypsy in the past and wonders if Madame Karitska is an acquaintance of the gypsy queen in Bulgaria. Mrs. Pollifax knocks on the door. The blue door opens almost immediately to reveal a regal looking lady in a flowing robe of purple with a lovely hat of purple suede and gold and shining diamond accents around the brim. Madame Karitska smiles down at Mrs. Pollifax and says, “Please, do come in. I have just finished brewing a pot of tea.”

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